NERD Non-Erosive Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

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NERD Non-Erosive Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Do you experience symptoms like heartburn, regurgitation, or difficulty swallowing? You may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus. But if you have these symptoms without any visible damage to the esophageal mucosal lining, you may have non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease (NERD).

Doctors can diagnose NERD with an endoscopy, where a camera is inserted into the esophagus to examine the tissue. If there is no damage to the esophageal lining, you may be diagnosed with NERD. It’s worth noting that NERD can range from mild to severe symptoms.

Research shows that around 50-85% of people with reflux-related symptoms but negative endoscopic findings are diagnosed with NERD. And more than two-thirds of all GERD patients have NERD. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for NERD are crucial to managing symptoms and preventing complications.

Don’t let NERD affect your quality of life. Talk to your doctor and contact Encore Borland Groover Clinical Research (EBGCR) to learn more about clinical trials for persistent reflux-related symptoms.

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Physician Investigator
Photo of Bharat K Misra M.D.
Gastroenterologist and Research Director Encore Borland Groover Clinical Research (EBGCR)
4800 Belfort Road Jacksonville FL 32256 Contact Research: 9046800871
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