Erosive Esophagitis

Project Info

The most common symptoms of esophagitis are heartburn, chest pain and dysphagia (trouble swallowing). If you have been diagnosed with or suspect you may have erosive esophagitis please contact us to learn more about current clinical trials.

A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Two-Phase, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Vonoprazan 20 mg Compared to Lansoprazole 30 mg for Healing in Patients with Erosive Esophagitis and to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Vonoprazan (10 mg and 20 mg) Compared to Lansoprazole 15 mg for the Maintenance of Healing in Patients with Healed Erosive Esophagitis PROTOCOL NO. EE-301

Photo of Bharat K Misra M.D.
Gastroenterologist and Research Director Encore Borland Groover Clinical Research (EBGCR)
4800 Belfort Road Jacksonville FL 32256 Contact Research: 9046800871
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